⭐️ Mug Club ⭐️ Thank you to our loyal Club members — have you renewed your membe

⭐️ Mug Club ⭐️ Thank you to our loyal Club members — have you renewed your membe

⭐️ Mug Club ⭐️ Thank you to our loyal Club members — have you renewed your membership, yet? Message us at info@shoveltownbrewery.com to renew 🍻✔️ Want to become a Mug Club member? Visit the STB Taproom and see a bartender — to get on the waiting list for January 2023! We’re OPEN 12-6PM today (9/25)

⭐️ Mug Club ⭐️ Thank you to our loyal Club members — have you renewed your membership, yet? Message us at info@shoveltownbrewery.com to renew 🍻✔️ Want to become a Mug Club member? Visit the STB Taproom and see a bartender — to get on the waiting list for January 2023! We’re OPEN 12-6PM today (9/25) — bring your Sunday crew for tasty food and Shovel Town craft brews 🤗 Don’t forget to TAG us with #GrabAShovel when and where you enjoy Shovel Town 🍺 #microbrewery #craftbeer #craftbrewery #newengland #beerlovers #craftbeerfans #mugclub #membership #appreciationpost #sundayfunday

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